June 02, 2022MAY 2022
Welcome to our book club questions for The Pact by Sharon Bolton.
- How much did the teenagers’ privilege play a part in the crime they committed?
- Why did Megan agree to take the blame?
- Were any of the characters likeable?
- Felix assigns chemical elements to people in his life. Which chemical element would he assign to you?
- At the end of part one, what did you think would happen twenty years on?
- If you could call in a favour right now, what would it be?
- Favour wise, who came off the worst: Dan and his kidney; Amber and her daughter; Xav and his wife; Felix and business; or Tal with making arrangements for Megan’s father?
- Why do you think Tal was so disliked by the group when they were all at fault?
- As the story unfolded, did any of the characters become more likeable?
- What did you think of the ending? Would you have chosen a different ending?